Music can be a great way to lift your spirits, be inspired, etc. (especially on a Monday! :-P ;) lol!) And somehow music can express things that ordinary speech just fails to fully capture! So for these reasons I had the idea to start a recurring feature on the blog where I plan to post an inspirational song and write some brief thoughts/reflections on it, or at least just why I like it. I might even write music posts in Spanish sometimes, because there are a lot of songs in Spanish that I love! :)
I had actually been thinking about starting a blog for a while. The main thing that held me back was that I couldn't think of a good name for it! So I figure there would be no better place to start this series than with the song that inspired this blog's title: "Write Your Story" by Francesca Battisteli. This song really speaks to me for a number of reasons.
The lyrics make me think of God's beautiful providence. Everything that has ever happened and ever will happen, from the most minute event to the greatest, from the beginning of the world until the very end -- God knows it, has seen it from all eternity, and has designed it as part of His plan. He is in control of all of it, and He is guiding every detail in my life.
Over the past several months, I have been coming to a much deeper appreciation for God's providence in my life. Most especially, that what seemed to me to be "Plan B" for how my life was supposed to go and what path God wanted me to pursue -- in reality, it was God's "Plan A" all along! Everything I have experienced in my life, even (maybe even especially!) things t
hat seemed to be "mistakes" on my part, they were all part of God's loving plan to bring me to healing and holiness. Truly, He is indeed writing my story. When I look back ahow God has been writing His story on my heart, I feel inspired to greater trust and gratitude, and I want to be even more open and docile to His work. I am just so in awe of His love and goodness and gentleness towards me, and I hope that my story, my witness can be an inspiration to others. When people see me, I want them to see and realize that "the Lord has done great things for me," (cf. Luke 1:49) -- I want my life to be a testimony of God's goodness. Yes, my soul seeks Him and my heart strives to beat in rhythm with His Sacred Heart. My longing for Him has its source in His longing for me -- and so I try to grow in allowing Him full freedom to act, He can write more and more of His story. I can trust Him with my life and with everything. Trust is a virtue I struggle with, and for several months I've been devoting more attention to growing in this area. Thankfully Jesus is always patient and gentle with me. Every day I want to give my life to Him and choose to believe that His plan for me is good, so that I can live in the trust, peace, and joy of a little child. <3
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