I just discovered this song a couple days ago, and I have to share the story behind it!
I am discerning my vocation, and I feel pretty confident that God is calling me to religious life. :) I feel a lot of peace and joy about it, but at times nervous and fearful (which the Sisters assure me is normal!) Well, this past Friday was one of those days where my fears and insecurities were overwhelming and I felt like I just couldn't handle it. In my desperation, I cried out in my heart, "God, do something!"
Well, not long after that prayer, one of my coworkers arrived to work. She had absolutely no idea about what I was going through -- but she randomly started a conversation with me about Christian music. Before long we started listening to lots of songs...and one of them was the song I am featuring today, "Walk On Water," by Britt Nicole. The lyrics addressed exactly what was going on in my heart, and I knew it was God's answer to my plea that He "do something!" to help me. I was so touched by the beautiful, gentle, loving way God answered my prayer, and the song itself was for me also a reassurance that I'm on the right path, an encouragement to keep going, and a call to trust God ever more completely -- especially because the Gospel passage about the walking on the water has also been significant in my vocational journey as well, because it has always happened that when I became fearful, anxious, and doubtful about my vocation, as I looked at the storms around and within me, Jesus would always draw me back: "Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!" <3 Let us put all our faith and trust in Him.
That was so inspirational! Love this song too! :)