A beggar before the throne of God

My apologies that this isn't a very polished, inspirational post.  I just need to get this off my chest and kind of "talk it out."

It seems like lately so many people close to me are suffering in various ways.  Maybe it's the same amount as always, but I feel like currently I'm aware of so many more of these circumstances, so many friends carrying heavy crosses.

It breaks my heart.  Times where my words fall so short, in circumstances where there is no material thing I can do to help their situation and the only thing I can do is pray my heart out -- it is then that I strongly feel my helplessness and spiritual poverty, and I am tempted to doubt that my prayers could have any value before God.  

Of course that is not truth.  In addition to being an invitation to pray and intercede more, I think that in these occasions God is inviting me to greater trust in His love for me -- to trust that He loves me, that He is listening to me, and that the cares and concerns of my heart truly do matter to Him; to trust that it is safe to surrender control to Him.  He wants me to trust that He can heal, that He can work miracles.  He loves me, and He loves those who are dear to me.  They are in His hands, and so am I.  He has a plan, and His plan is good.  Always.
