Getting Ready for Lent

The season of Lent starts in just a week and a half (March 1), and so I've been trying to consider the perennial question: what should I do for Lent?  But it occurred to me recently that that really isn't the central question to be asking.  The more important question is: what is God doing this Lent?

The ways of the Lord are surprising, and I don't think we can ever truly anticipate the work God wishes to accomplish in our souls.  Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said, "God walks into your soul with silent step. God comes to you more than you go to Him. Never will His coming be what you expect, and yet never will it disappoint.  The more you respond to His gentle pressure, the greater will be your freedom." [emphasis added]

Giving up sweets or TV can be valuable penances, but they aren't ends in themselves.  The purpose of our Lenten observance is to make us more receptive to the work that God wants to accomplish in us.  Our prayer, fasting, and almsgiving should be done with this goal in mind.

So before we answer the question, "What am I going to do for Lent?" we should first ask ourselves, "What in my life is blocking me from being more open to God's grace in my life?"  Is there a particular habitual sin, or a disordered attachment, or something of that nature that is getting in the way?  Do I need to be more intentional in setting aside time to truly be in God's presence and listen to Him without distraction?  Take the time to ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in this.  Then, with His help, you will be better able to see what approach you should take to Lent, so that you will be more open to the work of grace God desires to perform in you.  Lent is a time of such great grace and mercy, and God has such great gifts He wants to give to you and to me, more than we can imagine.
 What is God going to do in you this Lent? ♥
